Wasáse promotes the learning and respecting of every aspect of our indigenous heritage, working together to govern ourselves using indigenous knowledge, and unifying to fight for our freedom and the return of our lands. It seeks to liberate indigenous people from euroamerican thoughts, laws and systems.
Wasáse is a resurgence of diverse actions. It works by awakening and reculturing individuals so that indigenous thoughts are restored to their proper place in the people’s minds and their attachment to false identities is broken. Members of the movement are committed to the restoration of indigenous traditions, ceremonies and knowledges; reconnecting to and loving the land; and, revitalizing indigenous languages.
Wasáse challenges indigenous people to reject the authority and legitimacy of the colonial system and to rebel against its institutions. Wasáse is not a political party or governmental organization, and its members do not seek or hold political office. The movement does not use violence to advance its aims. Its political struggle is conducted through intellectual confrontation and mass communication; revealing the corruptions, frauds and abuses of colonizers and collaborators; and, supporting direct action in defense of indigenous communities, their rights, and the land.
Wasáse is a movement of Real People who have adopted its principles and are committed to applying indigenous teachings and values as our way of life. The movement includes women and men regardless of gender, age, color, or nationality.
Wasáse does not accept funding from colonial governments or corporations. The movement is funded by contributions from its members, and it seeks material support and alliances with individuals and organizations who share its principles and commitments.
Wasáse does not have an office, central location or staff. It is a network of mutual support and coordinated action that extends in all four directions across Turtle Island. We welcome and encourage contact for the purposes of information, affiliation or support.
Beats white multinationals raping the land.
Semiahmoo Territory
Across the river from Qayqaht Nation
I have to say after reading 'Wasase" the book I was deeply impressed.
The ideas and concepts explored in Alfred Taiaiake's book are powerful and reach across the race divide(that is still very much alive in the 21 century)
I am white but inside I was attracted to Wasase like a moth to light.
Its as if Alfred Taiaiake articulated what I have been trying to understand for years.
There is a way forward,there is so much whites can learn from FN peoples.
Can you imagine the kind of country Canada could be if both whites and Indians broke down the barriers and the centuries of injustice,once and for all.
I get goose bumps thinking of the possibilities....dare to dream
Hey Wasase Peoples,
I admire the work that you do, it is hard to live without contradictions especially when utilizing a foreign language that does not translate our langauges justly. I find that awareness needs to be conveyed in a manner through actions, not sure what you do in terms of giving back to the community. In our old ways words were cheap; however it was through the actions of our leadership that we drew our inspirations from. As I have been taught through my own family that we are only a vessel for the knowledge and it is our cultural obligation to pass this wisdom on to our future leaders. And that we are to live our examples and not talk about them. When we choose to block out organizations within our community are we selling ourselves short and are we claimiing that we are arrogant and they have nothing to teach us. Through my cultural teaching I have been taught that if there is something within some one we do not like then it is a reflection of our own mentality. Therefore we create the blockage to our own limited capacity. Do you believe this to be true? just some food for thought.
thanks for allowing me to share on your sight.
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