Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Stop The Violence Movement

Cheyenne proverb: A nation is not conquered until the hearts of its women are on the ground. Then it is done, no matter how brave its warriors or how strong its weapons.

To all Nuu-Chah-Nulth Nations,

RE: STOP THE VIOLENCE in Indigenous Communities!

As Nuu-Chah-Nulth women and men we are regenerating our responsibility to uphold our Sacred Laws. It is with this strength of spirit and out of love for our communities, the land, justice, and freedom that we demand the immediate stop of violence, be it physical, sexual, emotional or spiritual abuse in the homes and communities of our women and children. We are demanding the restoration of respect for the role women have, for their ability to bring life into this world.

As Nuu-Chah-Nulth peoples we have resisted 200 years plus of violence at the hands of the colonizers and their guns, canons and diseases. All Indigenous peoples experience colonialism through the racist policies and legislation of the department of children and family services, which dictate to us whether we are ‘fit’ to raise our own children. The travesty we face today is this rage and frustration turned inward; a perpetuation of colonialism and violence within our own communities.

It is not acceptable to allow our women and children to be constant victims of violent abuse. It is against Nuu-Chah-Nulth values, principles and laws. This can only be addressed if we stand together and prepare to address this issue in a meaningful way.

Join us in a walk to stop the violence from May 5-14, 2006. We will travel through each of the NCN territories, ending up in Tla-o-qui-aht for mother’s day. Families are welcome, including women, men, elders and youth. Join us in our struggle for freedom from violence and oppression!

For further information and to offer support please feel free to contact me at (250) 386-0760 or by e-mail at rogilvie@shaw.ca.

Ha'wiih'thlup (David Dennis) (604)868-4283 dave@unns.bc.ca

Na'cha'uaht (Cliff Atleo Jr.) (250)720-7203 cliffatleojr@gmail.com

Cuu, with respect and love,

Chiinuuks (Ruth) Ogilvie